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Delivery within 24 business hours.

We explore our manual database to find your requested manual.

Dedicated Account Manager

Your account will be assigned a dedicated manager to search our instruction manual database and find the one you need.

Delivery in 24 Hours

We take pride in providing excellent service, aiming to email your manual within 24 hours from the time of your request.

100,000+ Manuals Database

Our extensive database covers instruction manuals and user guides for all products, devices, and household appliances, facilitating our search process.

We strive to deliver your manual, focusing on these key categories

Home Appliances

Dishwashers, Coffee Machines, Washing Machines, Microwave Ovens, Ovens, Refrigerators, Vacuum Cleaners, Sewing Machines, etc.

Video & Audio

Televisions, Headphones, Soundbars, Cameras, Speakers, Projectors, etc.


Desktops, Laptops, Printers, Game Consoles, Mp3 Players, etc.

Mobile & Tablets

Mobile Phones, Tablets, GPS Systems, Touch Pads, e-Readers, Bluetooth Headsets, etc.

Tools & Gardening

Lawn Mowers, Drills, Screwdrivers, Sanders, Compressors, Chainsaws, Hedge Trimmers, etc.

Hygiene & Beauty

Hair Dryers, Electric Toothbrushes, Razors and Hair Trimmers, Hair Straighteners, etc.

Benefits of Our Premium Service

  • Paid Personal Assistance: Access our paid personal assistance service.
  • 7-Day Discovery Offer: Enjoy a 7-day trial at 0.95 GBP with unlimited requests.
  • Automatic Renewal: By default, your subscription is set to renew automatically at the end of the discovery period for one month, with tacit renewal.
  • Monthly Subscription: Your credit card is charged 49.95 GBP monthly.
  • Easy Cancellation: You can disable automatic renewal and terminate your subscription at any time, effective at the end of your current period. Refer to our terms and conditions for details.

Your Best Instructions Get Your Manual Ally

  • User-Friendly Search: Launch a user manual search with a few clicks.
  • Efficient Customer Service: Our customer service team manages a database of 100,000+ user guides to promptly locate and email your manual in PDF format within 24 business working hours.
  • Simple Download: Click the provided download link in the email to retrieve your user guide.
  • Maximized Satisfaction: We strive to find and send your instructions promptly. If not in our database, we conduct additional searches on the internet or contact the manufacturer at no extra cost.
  • Get the instructions you need by entering the make, model, and your email at the top of the page!